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The role of engagement

Our approach to consultation and project development is based on effective engagement. Our aim is to engage with any organisation or individual with an interest in the project.

It is our goal to meet and exceed planning regulations with a commitment to:

  • Early, ongoing and widespread engagement.
  • Involving local stakeholders and communities in project development and a dialogue about our energy futures, environmental impact, designs and the community.
  • Using diverse methods for diverse communities.
  • Being responsive to stakeholders’ concerns as well as local needs and aspirations to create a transformational project.

We engage with stakeholders at all levels from individuals, clubs, organisations, associations and networks through to governing and statutory bodies including regulators.  Our engagement focuses on stakeholders who represent a number of different interests relating to our activities.

10/07/2015 Pics (C) Huw John, Cardiff. MANDATORY BYLINE - Huw John, Cardiff Tidal Lagoon meeting at Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay Twitter: @huwjohnpics mail: mail@huwjohn.com Web: www.huwjohn.com

Image copyright: Huw John, Cardiff. Tidal Lagoon meeting at Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay


Cardiff Tidal Lagoon engagement so far…

So far we have held 628 meetings with stakeholders and carried out 34 community group briefings.

We have held stalls and exhibited at 16 public and community events, presented at and/or attended 47 conferences/events and given talks to a range of networks.

We have also held two stakeholder events, three workshops with key stakeholders such as the Statutory Harbour Authorities, 17 Community Council briefings and six Local Authority Council Members briefings.

We visited eight local schools, colleges and universities where we held debates and ran interactive activities and workshops to investigate some of the big questions and explore the career opportunities that Tidal Lagoons can create. See our case study below for further details.

10/07/2015 Pics (C) Huw John, Cardiff. MANDATORY BYLINE - Huw John, Cardiff Tidal Lagoon meeting at Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay Twitter: @huwjohnpics mail: mail@huwjohn.com Web: www.huwjohn.com

Image copyright: Huw John, Cardiff. Tidal Lagoon meeting at Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay


How does this fit into the planning and development process?

We record and report on all of the engagement and consultation that we carry out during the development of this project.

Over the next two years we will formalise our engagement by holding three rounds of consultation, where we will seek the views of local communities and stakeholders. For more information about opportunities to have your say on this project and the future of energy please go to our Have Your Say page which will continue to be updated as the project progresses.

The team is collaborating with local organisations to provide education and outreach, raise awareness about tidal power and promote career opportunities available in the energy, environment and construction industries – all Welsh Government priority sectors.

One such project is the City Region Exchange Pilot Project, one of Cardiff University’s five flagship engagement projects.

We are taking part in Footprints in Time – a new engagement project with Cardiff University’s School of History, Archaeology and Religion which gives young people in south Wales the opportunity to investigate past, present and future coastal environments in their local area. Investigating real human footprints and pollen samples from now submerged landscapes, participants can get hands on experience of the lives of ancient people, and understand how our ancestors dealt with rising sea levels.

As well as contributing to current research, young people will explore whether the history of coastal changes can inform our own experiences of climate change and how we have moved from physical footprints to carbon footprints. Then they use this learning to explore the big questions about how to reduce carbon emissions and decide what kind of energy infrastructure they want for future generations with the Department for Energy and Climate Change online calculator My2050.

For more information about the scheme take a look at the City Region Exchange Project.

Cardiff Uni    Education Cardiff    Footprints

Education & Outreach Case Study

Tidal Lagoon Plc

E: Info@tidallagoonpower.com

T: +44 (0)1452 303892

A: Pillar & Lucy House
Merchants Road
The Docks
Tidal Lagoon (Swansea Bay) Plc

E: Info@tidallagoonpower.com

T: +44 (0)1792 274006

A: Suite 6
J Shed
King's Road
© Tidal Lagoon Plc and Tidal Lagoon (Swansea Bay) Plc. | Designed and Developed by Spindogs